
षड् दोषा: पुरूषेणेह हातव्या भूतिमिच्छता |
निद्रा तन्द्रा भयं क्रोध: आलस्यं दीर्घसूत्रता ||

Panchtantra shlok with hindi meaning

जो मनुष्य यश की प्राप्ति करना चाहता है उसे छे दोषोंसे दूर रहना चाहिए – ज्यादा सोना, सुस्ती (निष्क्रियता), भय, क्रोध, आलस, टालमटोल (विलंब, दीर्घसूत्रता).

One who wishes to prosper in this world, should keep back the following six faults sleep (too much), lethargy, fear, anger, laziness and miserliness (stinginess). The six faults can be interpreted as follows:- nidrA :- sleep i.e. ignorance, not knowing what is happening around. tandrA :- lethargy, lassitude. bhaya :- fear. krodh :- anger, short temper. aalsyam :- laziness. diirghasuutrataa :- procrastinate, one who is slow in acting, takes too long for decisions etc.

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षड् दोषा: पुरूषेणेह हातव्या भूतिमिच्छता |
निद्रा तन्द्रा भयं क्रोध: आलस्यं दीर्घसूत्रता ||
